
Asrann Yethow ha Studhyansow Keswonisogethek (LINCS/AYSK), Pennskol Heriot-Watt, Karedin.

Pennskol Heriot-Watt yw pennskol a-vri y’n RU, gans tylleryow kolji yn Alban, Dubai ha Malaysia. LINCS/AYSK a wra arbennegi y’n lownow a studhyansow treylya ha styrya, keffrys ha studhyansow ynterwonisogethel kepar hag ertach gonisogethel bew, polici yeth, honanieth ha divroans. Yma istori hir dhyn a brovia towlennow studhya hag a fogell orth an natur gweythys ha devnydh galwesik a sleynethow yeth ha keskomunyans.

Agan Kresen Hwithrans Ynterwonisogethel (KHY) a hwither maters ynterwonisogethel a vri usi ow sevel dhyworth an gettesten ollvysel ow chanjya. Rann hwithrans a vri yw dhe dhisplegya gwerthveurheans a’n prevyans ha patron resnel a vewa gans, po yntra, gonisogethow, honaniethow, kemenethow ha yethow dihaval. An sleyneth ma re ledyas dhe grontow divers dhyworth an UE rag ragdresow adventurus kepar ha: Kowsoryon Nowydh yn Europa Liesyethek, RADAR, IMPLI, CO-Minor/Inquest, Justisigns, Medisigns, Insign, CoHERE, Yethow ow Movya, Trenyans Ynterwonisogethel rag Adhyskoryon (InterTrainE) hag erel. Yth eson ni ow ledya ha kevri dhe ragdresow erel, y’ga mysk an dowlen Lowen dhe Dreylya, hag a wra avonsya hedhas par dhe wonisyow y’n asrannow poblek ha bodhek rag tus hag a allsa enebi lett yeth yn Alban; Treylya an Honan Bodhar; Tyller ha Kov yn Europa; hag Anwirvosow a Dre.

Kestav ragdres IndyLan

Doktour Katerina Strani,

Pell: +44 131 451 4216

Twytter: @KaterinaStrani 

Konsel Kernow

Konsel Kernow yw an Awtorita Unsesel rag Kernow y’n Ruvaneth Unys. Konsel Kernow a led towlen an yeth Kernewek ha re selyas Sodhva an Yeth Kernewek. Omgemeryansek yw Hembrenkyas an Yeth Kernewek rag kressya devnydh a Gernewek a-ji dhe ober an Konsel, ri kussul dhe gowethasow a vynn gul devnydh a Gernewek ha kesordena ragdresow y’n gemeneth.

Strateji an Yeth Kernewek 2015-2025 a dhisplet displegyans devedhek a’n yeth ha komprehendys yw a beder chif rann: Savla, Devnydh, Akwiryans ha Korpus. Amkan an Strateji yw dhe gressya an niver a Gernewegoryon ha gwruthyl byth moy chonsyow dhe dhevnydhya Kernewek. Yma’n yeth Kernewek yn studh kreffa es dell veu dres termyn hir, mes poran kepar ha yethow byghan erel, yma edhom a dowlen dhe witha, skoodhya ha displegya an yeth. Pub bledhen, Sodhva an Yeth Kernewek a skoodh ragdresow hag a wra ynkressya an devnydh a Gernewek ha’n sleynethow ha dalghuster dhe dhisplegya an yeth. Omma y hyllir kavos rol a’gan ragdresow a-lemmyn ha kyns.


Cornish Language Office 
Cornwall Council , 5th Floor, Zone A, Pydar House, Truro, TR1 1XU

Hembrenkyas an Yeth Kernewek: Mark Trevethan

Pell: +44 (0)1872 323497


Konsel Saami

The Saami Council is a voluntary Saami organization (a non–governmental organization), with Saami member organizations in Finland, Russia, Norway and Sweden. Since it was founded in 1956 the Saami Council has actively dealt with Saami policy tasks. For this reason, the Saami Council is one of the indigenous peoples’ organizations which have existed longest. The Saami Council’s work is based on the decisions, statements, declarations and political programmes of the Saami Conference.

The primary aim of the Saami Council is the promotion of Saami rights and interests in the four countries where the Saami are living. The main task of the Saami Council is to consolidate the feeling of affinity among the Saami people, to attain recognition for the Saami as a nation and to maintain the cultural, political, economic and social rights of the Saami in the legislation of the four states. (Norway, Sweden, Russia and Finland) and in agreements between states and Saami representative organizations. The Saami Council participates in international processes on topics such as indigenous peoples, human rights and arctic and environment. Saami Council renders opinions and makes proposals on questions concerning Saami people’s livelihoods, rights, language and culture and especially on issues concerning Saami in different countries.

The Saami Council meets approximately twice a year to discuss current issues regarding the rights and culture of the Saami and other indigenous peoples. The Executive Board and the Secretariat are the preparatory organs of the council. Specialized work of the Saami Council is performed in units dedicated to important topics. The Saami cultural cooperation is handled by the cultural committee. The tasks of this committee are to increase and spread knowledge about the Saami culture, to improve the cooperation between cultural institutions and the Saami Council and to distribute cultural funds. The Saami Council is funded by grants. It is chaired by a president, who is elected for two years at a time.

Contact: Áile Jávo, Secretary General, Saami Council

SÁMIRÁĐĐI / SAAMI COUNCIL, Postboks 162, N-9735 Kárášjohka/Karasjok


PHONE +4748021734

Asociación Moviéndote

Kowethas MOVIÉNDOTE yw kowethas gonisogethek heb budh furvys gans tus ha gansa prevyans yn materyow adhyskans, synsyans socyal, arveth ha chonsyow par. Tus a dheu dhyworth rannow divers a’n gemeneth civil ha gansa an amkan dhe omjunya assays dhe avonsya omglewans a omgemeryans a’gan kerghynnedh agan honan ha dhe genertha ha skoodhya tus dhe wul taklow y’n rannow divers a’n gemeneth.

Moviéndote a ober gans hag a-barth kuntellesow a dus yn peryl a vos kes yn-mes a’n gemeneth, keffrys hag avonsya warneth, hwithrans, trenyans, ober bodhek ha, dre vras, gwriansow burjysi bew hag a dhre war-barth kuntellesow ynterwonisogethek ha ynterhenedhek.

Pella kedhlow dhe

Kestav: Jaione Santos Miguel

Trigva: Centro Voluntariado Gobelaurre, Parque Gobelaurre s/n – 48930 Getxo, BILBAO, Spain.


Twytter – @asoc_MOVIENDOTE

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Instagram –

Learnmera Oy

Learnmera Oy yw provier privedh a adhyskans yeth ha treylyans yn ranndir Helsinki meur, hag a brovi dyskansow yeth, treylyansow, ha gonisyow provredyans rag negysyow. Steusow yw profys y’n chyf yethow Nordek hag Europek, keffrys ha steusow rag dallethoryon yn Sowsnek, Fynnek, Swedek, Frynkek, Almaynek ha Russek. Yma prevyans meur dhe Learnmera Oy yn gwrians asnodhow adhyskansel, gwrians gwiasvaow, ha drehevyans synsas appow keffrys hag yn steusow galwansek warlinen. Aga stoffys adhyskans yeth ha gonisogethek dyllys heb kost re beu iskergys lies kankweyth a vilyow bys y’n jydh hedhyw. Gweythresek yw Learnmera Oy yn ragdresow Europek divers a-dhia 2008.

Keffrys ha’n gonisyow menegys a-wartha, Learnmera a brovi ynwedh gonisyow TK yw medrys yn arbennek orth kliensow ha kowethyansow korforethek hag a vynn gwellhe aga ynterfassow kliens ha lok war vedia socyal.

Y hyllir kavos rol a’n ragdresow gwrys kyns Learnmera omma.

Kestav: Veronica Gelfgren,  

+358 45 169 5454